Screencastify in the Classroom
Many of you have seen our Tutorial Videos on various subjects here in the district. We use Screencastify to make most of these. It's a very simple application to use.
Screencastify is a Chrome Extension that is pre-installed on all student Chromebooks. There are many classroom activities that this cool little program can be used for as well.
I was recently in a 5th Grade Classroom where the teacher is using Screencastify to have her students narrate their Google Slides Book Trailer! The kids loved learning to use this new tool!
Now is a great time to add this to your students' tool belts as they approach the homestretch of the school year.
Here are just a few ideas on how to incorporate this in your classroom.
Screencastify is a Chrome Extension that is pre-installed on all student Chromebooks. There are many classroom activities that this cool little program can be used for as well.
I was recently in a 5th Grade Classroom where the teacher is using Screencastify to have her students narrate their Google Slides Book Trailer! The kids loved learning to use this new tool!
Now is a great time to add this to your students' tool belts as they approach the homestretch of the school year.
Here are just a few ideas on how to incorporate this in your classroom.
- Have Students Explain their Understanding using their own words
- Work through a problem
- Explain the main points of a story
- Give a Speech or Presentation
- Motivates the student to practice
- Reduces anxiety of a live performance or presentation
- Practice Fluency
- Have students read a document, story or website
- Practice speaking in a Foreign Language
- Have students turn in a screencast of them reading a document, book or website in the foreign language
- Give verbal feedback on a student work
- Put the student document on screen and give feedback and suggestions while pointing out areas of concern or excellence.
- Have students create a Newscast, Book Review or Interview
- Make Sub Plans for your substitute teacher on how to access your digital resources
Subscribe to the Screencastify Video Channel here.
Get the extension here.
Check out this quick introductory video on Screencastify.
Get the extension here.
Check out this quick introductory video on Screencastify.