Monday, December 3, 2018
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Clever 2.0
By now most of you are familiar with the Clever Portal for students and the convenience that it provides. Did you know, however, that you have a teacher Clever Portal that also has many convenient features for you?
Can't find your Clever Portal? Go to:
Here are just a few
- Add links to the apps you want your students to access
- Add your own Documents or Presentations
- Launch an application automatically for all your students at once
- Provide your own custom links that direct students to an exact web location
- Find educational programs and apps in the Library, including many that will create accounts automatically for your students.
- Remember that Clever is accessible at home as well.
If you are not seeing your Teacher Clever Portal upon launch, or the Clever Extension, your Chrome Browser is most likely not synced to your District Google Account. This is a good idea regardless of Clever use. Directions on how to sync your browser can be found below in Andrew's 89 second Tech Tip Video.
Below is my latest video on using the additional features found in Clever. It will walk you through all the possibilities!
Links to other Clever How-To Videos
Clever Teacher Page
Clever for Elementary
Clever for Secondary
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Customize your Clever Teacher Page
Customize your Clever Teacher Page
Now that you have had a chance to get familiar with the basics of the new Clever Portal, let's learn how to get even more out of this new awesome resource!
As you know, Clever is available for your students at home, which makes it a fantastic place to add apps, websites, google docs, and other resources your students may need to assist them with their schoolwork.
Your teacher page is a great place to keep a class syllabus, project requirement documents, announcements or specific video links.
Once you create your teacher page, (AND TOGGLE THE VISIBILITY SWITCH ON) your students will see the following icon or multiple icons for multiple teachers) on their Clever Portal. Students simply click on the teacher page to view the available resources you have added for them.
Click on the video link below to see a step by step process of how to create your own teacher page.
Once you create your teacher page, (AND TOGGLE THE VISIBILITY SWITCH ON) your students will see the following icon or multiple icons for multiple teachers) on their Clever Portal. Students simply click on the teacher page to view the available resources you have added for them.
Click on the video link below to see a step by step process of how to create your own teacher page.
Create your Clever Teacher Page - Video Tutorial
Monday, May 14, 2018
Google that Drawing!
Google Drawings
In this edition I would like to introduce you to a lesser used but powerful Google Application available on all Google Drive accounts. It's Google Drawings!
The methods we use to access and search information in recent years have changed dramatically. How many of us turn to YouTube when we want to learn how to do something new? Google Earth and Google Maps take us places we might never be able to visit in person. Virtual Tours take us on expeditions to the world's greatest wonders. Simulations and interactive activities allow us to experiment and test hypotheses virtually.
If the way we learn and retrieve new information has changed so dramatically, why are we still asking students to report their learning through outdated methods? Why not ask our students to report information interactively?
The example below includes links to videos, websites, an annotated image, a written report, an interactive quiz along with video summary notes. These can be adapted to all grade levels and used with Google Classroom.
Label and annotate
Drag and Drop Activities
History Projects
Process diagrams
Graphic Organizers
Watch video Tutorials on Drawings
More ideas on how to use Drawings in the Classroom:
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Be a Screencastify Star!
Screencastify in the Classroom
Many of you have seen our Tutorial Videos on various subjects here in the district. We use Screencastify to make most of these. It's a very simple application to use.
Screencastify is a Chrome Extension that is pre-installed on all student Chromebooks. There are many classroom activities that this cool little program can be used for as well.
I was recently in a 5th Grade Classroom where the teacher is using Screencastify to have her students narrate their Google Slides Book Trailer! The kids loved learning to use this new tool!
Now is a great time to add this to your students' tool belts as they approach the homestretch of the school year.
Here are just a few ideas on how to incorporate this in your classroom.
Screencastify is a Chrome Extension that is pre-installed on all student Chromebooks. There are many classroom activities that this cool little program can be used for as well.
I was recently in a 5th Grade Classroom where the teacher is using Screencastify to have her students narrate their Google Slides Book Trailer! The kids loved learning to use this new tool!
Now is a great time to add this to your students' tool belts as they approach the homestretch of the school year.
Here are just a few ideas on how to incorporate this in your classroom.
- Have Students Explain their Understanding using their own words
- Work through a problem
- Explain the main points of a story
- Give a Speech or Presentation
- Motivates the student to practice
- Reduces anxiety of a live performance or presentation
- Practice Fluency
- Have students read a document, story or website
- Practice speaking in a Foreign Language
- Have students turn in a screencast of them reading a document, book or website in the foreign language
- Give verbal feedback on a student work
- Put the student document on screen and give feedback and suggestions while pointing out areas of concern or excellence.
- Have students create a Newscast, Book Review or Interview
- Make Sub Plans for your substitute teacher on how to access your digital resources
Subscribe to the Screencastify Video Channel here.
Get the extension here.
Check out this quick introductory video on Screencastify.
Get the extension here.
Check out this quick introductory video on Screencastify.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Creating Content using the SAMR model of Tech Integration - Activities and Ideas attached!
TLDR? Skip to bottom to find Higher Level Thinking Tech Activities
Vacaville Unified has gone Google for three years now! It has been a transformative time throughout the district. Teachers and students have worked on becoming proficient with the tools available to them through many of the G-Suite applications.
Many of you are already familiar with the SAMR model of tech integration in Education. See chart below.
At the highest SAMR level classroom tasks and technology exist not as ends but as supports for learning. Collaboration becomes necessary and the tech simply facilitates the communication. Questions and discussion are increasingly student generated.
I really like Kathy Schrock's integration of the SAMR model and Bloom's taxonomy together.
Now that our students are familiar with the Chromebooks and the basic G-Suite applications the next step is to help our students reach the higher levels of learning. These higher levels involve Creating, Evaluating, and Analyzing Content.
We have several applications already loaded on the Chromebooks to help with these kinds of activities.
- Screencastify is an Chrome extension preloaded on the Chromebooks which allows students to create video tutorials or narration of a Google Slides presentation. Use Screencastify to voice dub over a video. See how HERE
- Google Forms is a an awesome way for students to collect data for research projects.
- WeVideo is in the apps section of our Chromebooks. This is a simple drag and drop video creation program. (30 day free teacher trial - then $199/year for teacher account. Students can use 5 min/ month for free)
- Google Sites can be used to provide students a platform to create and share multimedia content.
- Google Drawings are a great way for students to create annotated diagrams.
- MindMup is a free mind mapping tool also available in the apps section.
I've included some ideas and examples of Higher Level Learning below. Of course, we always welcome your input and would love to share what you are doing in your classes.
Higher Level Tech Activities
Original Resources Found Here
Lesson: Writing a Short Paper
Original Assignment: A hand written paper.
- Substitution: A Word Processor replaces a Pen/Pencil in a Writing Assignment.
- Augmentation: A Word Processor and text-to-speech function are used to improve the writing process.
- Modification: The document created using the Word Processor and text-to-speech function is shared on a blog or Google Classroom where feedback can be received and incorporated to help improve the quality of writing.
- Redefinition: Instead of a written assignment, students convey analytic thought using multimedia tools such as Screencastify or WeVideo.
Lesson: Geography & Travel
A modification of an idea found at
Original Assignment: An overview of a location consisting of hand written content supplemented with compiled cut-and-pasted magazine clippings.
- Substitution: Use presentation software (like Powerpoint or Prezi) to construct a presentation providing information about a selected locale.
- Augmentation: Incorporate interactive multimedia – audio, video, hyperlinks – in the presentation to give more depth and provide more engaging presentation.
- Modification: Create a digital travel brochure that incorporates multimedia and student created video.
- Redefinition: Explore the locale with Google Earth; seek out and include interviews with people who have visited the local.
Lesson: Understanding Shakespeare
Taken from: and modified.
Original Assignment: Read a Shakespeare play in traditional printed format.
- Substitution: Read Shakespeare texts online.
- Augmentation: Use online dictionaries, study guides, history sites, to supplement reading.
- Modification: Use multimedia resources like text, audio, and video tools to jointly construct knowledge, learning, and understanding of a portion of a play, or a character, as a group project.
- Redefinition: Answer the Question, “What did the culture of the time have on the writing of Shakespeare’s plays” my using a Concept Mapping tool and constructing a mind map demonstrating key elements through words and images.
An Assessment Exercise
Idea taken from: and slightly modified. In this example, we take a simple form of assessment and evolve it into a collaborative group project.
Original Assignment: Take a quiz, answers handwritten in a printed form.
- Substitution: Distribute the quiz in a Word Processor file format and have student fill in answers on a computer.
- Augmentation: Use a Google Form to deliver and complete the quiz. “There is some functional benefit here in that paper is being saved, students and teacher can receive almost immediate feedback on student level of understanding of material. This level starts to move along the teacher / student centric continuum. The impact of immediate feedback is that students may begin to become more engaged in learning.“
- Modification: As an alternative form of assessment, students could be asked to write an essay around a relevant theme. The written essay could then be narrated and captured as vocal recording.
- Redefinition: “A classroom is asked to create a documentary video answering an essential question related to important concepts. Teams of students take on different subtopics and collaborate to create one final product. Teams are expected to contact outside sources for information.”
Lesson: Art/Painting
Original Assignment: Drawing a picture using traditional brush, paint, paper. Of course, there is a a big difference between doing this “by hand” in the traditional manner and doing it digitally – digitally is by no means “better”, it is just different and opens up some interesting possibilities.
- Substitution: Use a digital drawing/painting program (like MS Paint) to draw/paint a picture.
- Augmentation: Use a tool that allows the creation of your masterpiece to be “played back” (like Educreations, for example).
- Modification: Pull a background image to use as a “canvas” – you could even scan something hand drawn and use that.
- Redefinition: Create Artwork Collaboratively using a Collaborative Online Whiteboard.
Lesson: Learning Fractions
Original Assignment: Show understanding of fractions on a worksheet by coloring in blocks.
- Substitution: Use an Excel Worksheet to let students “color in” the blocks.
- Augmentation: Use Google Sheet to let students “color in” the blocks, where the teacher can offer feedback directly on Google Sheet.
- Modification: Use Google Sheet and direct students to online examples and supplementary learning materials for areas that they might struggle with.
- Redefinition: Use a Fractions App instead (There are several available in the Chrome Web Store).
Lesson: Phys Ed – Learning To Hit a Baseball Well
Original Assignment: Learning how to hit a baseball by watching and listening to a Coach or Phys Ed instructor show you and then trying it yourself.
- Substitution: The coach/teacher videos the training exercise and uses this as the lesson.
- Augmentation: The coach/teacher videos the training exercise and provides links to other training content (videos and articles from other coaches, etc).
- Modification: The coach/teacher videos the training exercise and “flips” the lesson, having students watch it as homework, and using class time to practice and reinforce techniques.
- Redefinition: Students watch video examples and practice the techniques, then the coach/teacher videos them hitting balls and provides feedback about their technique.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
New Year - New Tech!
Add Music to your Google Slides
This is a feature requested by many Google Users. While it is still not currently built into Google Slides, there is now an Add-On that will accomplish this task for you.
Watch the video below from Free Tech for Teachers website to learn how to use this.
As mentioned in the video, the music must first be added to your Google Drive. Check out this site to learn about several sites where you can legally download music for free.
Safari Montage Upgrade
We have a new version of Safari Montage that will now allow your students to access the system as well as teachers. They will navigate to Safari Montage from their school Gateway page just like you do. When they are confronted with the Login screen, they MUST select the Sign-in with Google button. From there they simply sign in with their Google Account.
As the teacher, you also now have the ability to push out a video to students using the Google Classroom button found on videos in Safari Montage.
Please see the video below for more features and highlights.
The Doodle 4 Google Contest is Now Open
It's time to put your students' imaginations to work, because the Doodle 4 Google contest is now open. This contest is open to all K-12 students until March 2nd. The theme for this year is "What Inspires You?" The winning doodle will appear on the Google homepage! They also offer college scholarships, a behind the scenes experience with the Google Doodle team, and a $50,000 Google for Education Technology package for the winning student's school.
The technology department, along with Lenore Hubal from Vaca Pena, have joined the fun and done some Google Doodles ourselves.
Submit your doodles here.
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